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Welcome to FCDG

This site is dedicated to helping locals and visitors in the County of Fresno to navigate their way to all things Disc Golf. Checkout the site for current courses and upcoming events locally or around the central valley. 

New Shade Structure 

Starting in April, the city is scheduled to start work on a new shade structure at the entrance of the disc golf course at Woodward.  There has been a delay in breaking ground on this project that will move the timeline back to April.  We are still looking forward to having the new shade in time for the summer.  


Our previous tree shade disappeared when the trees at the entrance had to be removed. The structure is the result of a collaboration between Edge Dostal and Councilman Bredefeld’s office.  We would really like to thank Edge for spending the last two years making the connections and taking advantage of the opportunities that were available in order to make this project happen.  We would also like to thank Councilman Bredefeld and his staff for their recognition of the large amount of use that the disc golf course receives and being willing to step up and solve an issue that is important to the disc golf community.


Thank you for your patience as the construction has been delayed.  We are looking forward to having our gathering area shaded again in time for summer.  

What is happening at Lost Lake?


The Fresno County Board of Supervisors has approved the new disc golf course to be built at Lost Lake.  We are in the midst of acquiring the needed insurance and finalizing the layout.  It is my hope that we will be putting in baskets as we move into the new year.  It has been a long journey and we still have a little time to go, but keep an eye out for volunteer opportunities and for work days.  


Once the course goes in we will be responsible for most of the maintenance.  We are looking at several possibilities including regular work days and an adopt a hole program.  We are open to ideas of ways to organize the maintenance that will allow us to have a comfortable place to play what will be a unique course.  


Have you noticed the feathers near the practice basket?

The club has placed orange feathers in the ground to mark the putting circle around the practice basket.  You can use these feathers to get a feel for how far out you are to determine whether or not you can legally jump putt.  This will give new players an idea of the distance as they practice their putting and will be a review for older players who may need it.  While playing tournaments in the past I found that I was over estimating the circle and was passing up opportunities to use a jump putt or step putt, where you fall forward, to make it easier to accurately get the distance that I needed.

New Free Disc Library

Free disc library.jpg


A new disc library is in at Woodward Park near the first teepad on the disc golf course.  This free disc library was created for those new comers who are discovering disc golf.  They will be able to borrow discs to try throwing a round or two and simply return them to the box.  


Have you been playing a while?  The box is also for you.  This is your opportunity to take a disc and leave a disc to try something new.  Not sure if the Boss is for you?  See one in the box?  Try it out and if it fits you leave a replacement disc behind for someone else.  This is stocked with discs that have been in the lost and found for over a year and is modeled after the free book libraries that are in neighborhoods around town.


Can't wait to see people taking advantage of it near the first tee!

Central Valley Series 2024-2025

The CVS or Central Valley Series is a series of non-sanctioned disc golf tournaments that runs from Sacramento to Bakersfield.  For the last 31 years it has been the place to play tournaments during the cooler part of the year from November until April.​


Sign ups are on or will be on  Come on out and join us for a Valley tradition that is a large part of the texture of disc golf in the Central Valley. 


Oh, and be sure not to miss the event in Fresno.  Sign ups will begin on November 13th.  It sells out every year, so if you want to take part sign up early.


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Putting League

Putting League will be back in January at Procreations in Downtown Fresno.  We will meet at 7:00 PM on the second and Fourth Thursday of each month and everyone is welcome.  You can participate in the $5 buy in for the daily payout or just come on out and putt.  There is also an overall champion for each 6 week period.  Come on out and join us in whatever way that you would like.


Club Projects

The new teepads are starting to go in at Woodward.  Thank you for your patience as we are able to have much needed improvements made to the course.  There is still more work that will be done, but the course is open again for play..


It is great to have the city appreciating the use that the course gets and participating in its maintenance.


Special thanks to Edge Dostal who has been coordinating this project.

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